Do termites concern you? Have they been found in your neighborhood? Do you have something you would like our well trained inspectors to look at? Has it been more than 3 years since your last termite inspection? This service is meant for you and it is FREE.
For homeowners, not in a real estate transaction, this service is exceptional and it is FREE. We complete limited termite inspection of the sub-area crawl space and/or other parts of the structure. We report any wood-destroying pests, damage caused by them, and conditions known to cause damage at spaces/spots inspected. We will then explain what we have seen and make high-quality recommendations where needed; ALL AT NO CHARGE TO YOU! FOR PEACE OF MIND, CALL TODAY AND SET UP YOUR APPOINTMENT WITH THE CONSUMER’S CHOICE!
Other Reasons for Using Us:
Frequent camera verification of termite evidence found.
- Frequent camera verification of termite evidence found.
- Subterranean termite treatments with HUGE discounts for timely payment and warranties that are sure to please.
- Subterranean termite discounted extended warranty offers.
- Dry-wood termite spot treatments (sometimes free) and referrals to fumigators for whole house treatments.
- Recent customer letters of recommendation are available!
Termite Habits
- Subterranean termite colonies can be as large as a city block and multiple colonies can exist at a single structure. Colony size can reach numbers in excess of 100,000. If you see flying termites inside, timely treatment is likely necessary to minimize damage. They can build hidden travel tunnels (especially in buildings with concrete floors) from the ground into your walls in a matter of days or even hours. With proper treatment of the soil, the termites in the structure will die (without above-ground treatment).
- Drywood termites fly to a structure, bore in, and can stay hidden for years. Multiple colonies may exist ranging from a handful of termites to 10,000. Fumigation is a whole house treatment but, if practical, many try our very economical spot treatments first and we have had good success with them.

Call: 1 (800) 705-1144 or enter your info below and one of our office staff will contact you.